April Quads
3 round round-robin @ 10am, 2:00 & 6:00pm. 4-player sections based on close ratings.
Time control: Game 85 + 10sec. increment. Note new TC – it has been G/100+15. We’re experimenting with a slightly shorter TC to shorten the long day. Comments welcome.
Entry fee: SCC members $15, others $25.
Prizes: free entry to next Quads played within 3 months. (Free entry = $15 tournament entry fee. Non-SCC members still need to pay $10 day fee.)
Registration: 9:15-9:45am. Please be on time! And please be prepared to play all 3 rounds; withdrawals in round 3 disrupt the round-robin pairings and force others to take a bye they may not want. Thanks!
Sign up by emailing [email protected] with your USCF ID#. US Chess membership required.