Send an email to [email protected] to request to join our mailing list or join our discord server.
For membership dues and donations via PayPal see our Membership and Donations Page.
Hygiene Policy for In-Person Events – We strongly recommend that anyone coming to the club, including youth, be fully vaccinated against covid. This means 2 doses (1 J&J) and at least 1 booster. We recommend that you wear a mask at the club, because of the close contact over the chessboard over many hours.
Late Sign-up and Registration: You can sign up or cancel a signup for a weekend tournament up to midnight the night before the event by emailing [email protected], as you do now. After midnight of the night before (e.g., for late signups or cancellations, late bye requests or alerts about late arrivals, etc.) please send to the tournament director [email protected] as well. Email requests close 1 hour before scheduled start of the tournament. This gives the TD space to process arriving players, construct the pairing matrix, etc. For most tournaments there is a walk-in registration period (starting 1 hour before first round) when there are seats available.
Casual night signups no longer required: We have lifted the signup requirement for casual nights (currently Wednesdays). Instead, you will be asked to sign IN. Look for a sign-in sheet at the club. First time attendees are asked to continue to sign up by emailing [email protected]
Currently all In-Person Events are Located at: 7212 Woodlawn Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98115
Upcoming Events: (Event Colors: Red is an “OTB Rated Event”, Yellow is an “OTB Casual Event”, Blue is an “Online Event”)