Rated tournament game at 7:30pm at the club (7212 Woodlawn Ave. NE, Seattle 98115).
Time control: 40 moves in 90 mins, then sudden death in 60, with 10sec increment throughout.
Please arrive by 7:15pm. Plan your time! If you arrive after pairing you will not be able to play.
USCF Regular rated. Free for paid-up SCC members, $5 others. Sign up by emailing [email protected].
Fifth Friday G15 Quick Rated Chess – Occurs in each month where there’s a fifth Friday (e.g., 8/30/2024).
Time control: Game15, no increment. 4 or 5 rounds depending on turnout.
USCF Quick rated.
Right now I can not afford transportation . Soon. Iuckyrufflex3
Im more or less a beginner
Rated around 300-500
Will I fit in on a casual Friday?
The Friday night game is not casual, it is a USCF rated game. You’re welcome to play. Most players are in the 800-1800 rating range. Email [email protected] to sign up. (You have to have a USCF membership, but not a SCC membership.) Casual nights are Wednesdays, 7-11pm.
how many rounds were in the 90 minute friday tournament.
On Friday nights it’s 1 round of a 4-round monthly tournament. In September it’s the “Pumpkin Spice” tournament. Usually it’s Swiss pairing; in September and a few other months in the year it’s “close-rating” pairing (you are paired with someone close to your own rating). You can play any or all rounds, no problem.